The first made-in-Japan baby powder, “Siccarol”
Changing design on Siccarol
When first launched, Siccarol boasted a design of a child wearing a Kintaro belly warmer holding Siccarol. A later design used a mother holding a baby and putting Siccarol on him. This design pattern was kept, with details such as the mother’s hairstyle and design of her clothes closely reflecting the changing fashion of the times. For example, her hairstyle changed from the original “203 highland” hair to “Marumage (married woman’s coiffure)” in the mid Taisho Period, then to tied back, followed by western style and then permed hair in the Showa Period. The later design had a baby photo on the can, before changing to the current design of text only.
ASAHI GROUP FOODS,LTD. become an owner of WAKODO brand products. (As of 1, July 2017)