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The Stories of Wakodo

The first made-in-Japan baby powder, “Siccarol”

What is tenka-fun?

Tenka-fun is also described in “Shoni Hitsuyou Yoikuso” (Gyuzan Katsuki 1703). Tenka-fun referred to white starch powder obtained from roots of kikarasuuri of the cucurbit family. The starch has a faculty to absorb moisture well, and therefore was used in heat rash treatment. As the starch powder has a texture resembling powder snow (tenka), it is called tenka-fun.
Kikarasuuri (Trichosanthes kirilowii var. japonica.) Kikarasuuri (Trichosanthes kirilowii var. japonica.)

Kikarasuuri (Trichosanthes kirilowii var. japonica.) Perennial vine. Leaves are shiny with almost no hair. Its flowers start to bloom in evening, and become closed before noon on the following day.
The petals have lacy serrations, which makes flowers appear larger to attract insects. Its fruit is about 10 cm long and yellow in color.

The name tenka-fun is also a season word for summer in Haiku. Many famous Haiku pieces included this word.
◆ Yaya hana no hikuki ga aikyo tenka-fun (A little flat nose looks especially cute, with talcum powder on)  by Osada Yutan
◆ Tenka-fun mamire no mago wo sukuhi-age (Too much talcum powder on baby, still I picked it up)  by Tanaka Danryu
◆ Ko ni tsukete ware nimo niou tenka-fun (On my baby, on me too, smell of talcum powder)  by Doi Itoko
◆ Negaeri wo sasete nakasete tenka-fun (Made baby cry, turning him over to put on talcum powder)  by Sasaki Hisakiku
◆ Tenka-fun shinjitsu a-ko wa mu ichi motsu (Tenka-fun, truly my baby is like no one else)  by Takaha Shugyo
Tenka-fun was not just used to treat heat rash. It was also used as a face powder substitute from the Edo Period until the Early Meiji Period.

ASAHI GROUP FOODS,LTD. become an owner of WAKODO brand products. (As of 1, July 2017)